why should I go to a chiropractor when I am not in pain?
Did you know your nervous system could be under stress without causing you any pain!
It is commonly misunderstood that chiropractors can only help individuals suffering from pain and stiffness from musculoskeletal conditions. Chiropractic care concentrates on the nervous system and making sure it is functioning to its full potential.
While pain is something that chiropractors deal with on a regular basis, your nervous system communicates with every cell in your body. If that communication system is sending the wrong information there is no telling what effect this can have on your body.
People often ask “why do i need to keep coming if my pain has resolved?”
Though pain levels may have diminished chiropractors focus on treating the cause of your problem and not just the symptoms such as pain and stiffness.
Just like getting your teeth checked at the dentist it is important to get your nervous system checked. Our nervous systems works day and night and sends messages to every part of our body so it is imperative that it is functioning correctly.